Step Brothers Movie Quotes! Awesome!

"let the dirt rain over you"
"im gonna tea-bag your drum set"
"eat sh*t derek"
"het derek, spekon ze dick!"
"this wedding id horseshit"
"i am not your girlfriend, im your therepist"
"youre coming off stupid"
"did you touch my drumset--no--well tahts wierd, because it definetly seems like someone touched my drumset---well it wasnt me---why are you so sweaty then?---i was watchin cops"

lmfao fave movie of all time
best quote ever
im not going to call him dad
son your 39 i dont expect you to call him dad
he needs to watch him self if he gets in my face it will drop his ass (lmao)

then later in the convo

what school did he go to
John Hopkins University
I smoked pot with johnny hopkins
you dont know any one named john hopkins
yea it was joohnny hopkins and sloan ketter and they blazed that sh*t up everyday
the only reason your living here is cuz me and my dad think your really hot and we should both bone her...and put up with the retard in the mean time!

Who's the Retard?


Hey you dont say that!
Suppose Nancy sees me coming out of the shower and decides to come on to me. I'm looking good, got a luscious v of hair going through my chest pubes down to my ball fro. She takes one look at me and goes " Oh my god, I've had the old bull now I want the young calf" and grabs me by the weiner.

Shut the f*ck up!

You yelled "rape" at the top of your lungs.

Mom, I honestly thought I was going to be raped for a second. He had the craziest look in his eyes, and at one point he said "let's get it on."

My two favorite!