Spray-painted bike


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
Philly PA
I'm going to look at a 94 RM 250 tomorrow.

The kid painted all of the yellow plastics with black spray paint.:(
Why anyone would do that is beyond me. 8-|
Anyway, is there a way to get it off since is already chipping?
I really dont want to get another set of plastics for it since I just want to get it running and flip it.
I got a strong pressure washer, do you think that will get it off?
Any ideas?
The pressure washer will most likely do the trick, but if not just try some paint thinner, or lightly scrape it off with a putty knife.
Your basic paint-stripper from the hardware store ought to do it. Just use a stiff brush to agitate instead of steel wool. I would test in an inconspicuous place, but I doubt the plastics will be harmed by it. I've stripped lots of furniture with a plastic putty knife made out of the same kinda plastic.

Wear good gloves tho, that sh*t hurts.
Thanks guys!

I was worried that thinners or solvents would melt the plastic.
But I will give everything mentioned a try and see what works best!
Thanks guys!

I was worried that thinners or solvents would melt the plastic.
But I will give everything mentioned a try and see what works best!

save your self the time and use the laquier thinner on a rag.... the laquier thinner willl not hurt the plastics at all... i actually used laquier thinner on my blaster to get some over spray off from whe i painted the center caps for the truck to close to the quad
save your self the time and use the laquier thinner on a rag.... the laquier thinner willl not hurt the plastics at all... i actually used laquier thinner on my blaster to get some over spray off from whe i painted the center caps for the truck to close to the quad

Ok, I will do that! Regular automotive laquier thinner you mean?
Ok, I will do that! Regular automotive laquier thinner you mean?

yup!! at work we use clean strip brand... in MY garage i use duplicolor brand.. the duplicolor stuff dont smell as bad as the clean strip.. and isnt quite as strong so it will take just abit more to get it off...

basicly soak a rag with it and lay it over the plastic and let the lquier do its job

I used the laquier thinner on the Rm 250, which I picked up today, and man is that stuff working perfect! You were right! Dosent harm the plastic and takes it all off!
It's a lot of work but it's looking brand new!
It took me 15 minutes to get it running great and by tomorrow I'll have it all cleaned up and back together to list for sale!
Man, this thing is FAST!!!!!
I'll post before and after pics tomorrow!
Thanks again guys!