spittn and sputter'n


New Member
May 23, 2011
My sons 2002 blaster is spittn and sputtern, thought it may have been a fouled plug, replaced that and no change, when you give it throttle and get into the higher rpm range it spits and sputters and jerks. I also pulled the carb and cleaned that thouroughly, with no change. I run 93 octane at a 32 to 1 fuel ratio, I am just baffled at what it could be. Any ideas would be a great help thanks in advance.
Presume you pulled jets to be sure they're clean, blow jet passages in carb out? Air cleaner clean? Did it just start doing all of a sudden? Check fuel petcock is clean. Try trimming 1/4 in off plug wire and re-install plug cap. Check all grounds and switches. Do you still have Tors system hooked up? Can you be more descriptive of systoms or how it's running?
Oh, BTW, welcome!!
hey everybody thanks for the welcome and replys, for more info on my sons blaster here goes, first of all I dont know what a tors system is unless your talking about the thing that is attached to the top of the cap that goes to the carb, second the blaster is all stock no mods at all and it just started spittn and sputtern it wasnt a gradual thing, I have cleaned the carb meticulously and the bad part the engine is brand new which is the aggravating part about the whole buisness. When I press the gas it starts off fine until about half throttle then it sounds like its miss'n making a spittn and sputter'n sound and the bike starts jerking. Hope this helps with the diagnosis, thanks again
it does sound like a serious jetting problem, however, it make be using all the fuel in the carb bowl and and then dying, triple check your carb, 99% these sort of issues are related to it. the TORS system is the Throttle Overide System built into the carb and throttle box as a safety feature, trouble is it is more of a problem than anything else. it could be that, on the left hand side of the carb is a grey plug, disconnect that and try again, there is a How To in either the DIY or Engine section about how to fully diable the TORS system.

Beyond these two, you looking at stator plate/woodruff key or reeds, but unlikely based on your diagnosis. Make sure your fuel line to the carb is not partially blocked
found out the problem, and I feel like a complete idiot but hey I'm new to the blaster scene. I was mixing gas and putting it in the tank, well I found out that it has a oil injector, so 64 to 1 is a really really rich fuel mix for this bike. Drained the tank installed a 15 dollar carb kit and bam were back in buisness and my 10 year old son wont nothing but teeth ripp'n it up this evening. Thanks for everybodys help I appreciate it, its good to know there are still helpful people in the world.