Speedy's MX build

I bought my Lrd in a full bike not a Part out and anyway
SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I rode her today and god damn is it torquey yes I haven't completely broke it in yet but I have just touched it a little but I got pics on my photobucket hold on and btw the lt250r sux it is powerful suspension sux and tht is a deal breaker it's like trying to do a 50ft jump with dry struts it's hard as a rock but the blaster is soft as a cloud pics to come
When I got her running the other day it started 3rd kick on a brand new motor......and got my hood on today as well and it's is niceeeeee... I luv my shocks they are sooooo soft!!!!!!









sorry for the crappy pics they were taken from my old phone with a 3.2 megapixel cam.. my new droidx2 has a 8 megapixel cam wwhich is what i usulally use but i am out of data so it wont let me email the pics so as soon as i get my data on the 7th i will get better pics