Special Thanks to Ken Oconner!


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Were to start?... well had him rebuild/port/head work my motor and when I say rebuild, I mean completely. I was going to try and do it myself minus the porting but wasn't confident enough. Even after disassembling the whole thing! So after talking with a few members/builders- I went with Ken, and I have to say that I'm glad I did. I sent him my motor completely disassembled along with alot of new parts including all new bearing and seals- including the clutch lever bearing(if that's the correct name?) new +3 stroker crank, he worked tediously for a couple weeks found a few issues like the case halves needed matched, cylinder needed bored/honed and a few other things i don't remember exactly, any how I didn't send him my clutch cover, didn't even think of it as I wanted to paint it make it fancy. When he sent my motor to me he used one of his own no charge!-as he informed me ya shouldn't ship it with out that on, (something new I learned from him), and I told him i would shipped it back to him when I put my cover on. When I recieved my motor from UPS (by the way I fukin hate them) They didn't take very good care of it, The shift shaft was bent bad, I filled a claim and still awaiting an answer anyhow- here's where the fun begins... Now before I go on I have never touched or seen a blaster motor or any other ATV engine but have rebuild/repaired all of my cars/trucks. I figured how hard could 8 bolts be to put on? Not hard at all, I took the old cover off put the new one on and put the motor in the bike Hooked all electrical up, carb, put the finishing touches on it then took it out side to fire it up, and start the heat cycles. First kick she fired right up but the kicker didn't return,and not a good idle, but did idle for about 35 seconds then died, pulled the kicker up kick it over again, idled for another 30 seconds rough, then died, It's late so put it away, next day tried again and went to kick it over and snap, the kicker went all the way down to the stop no resistance at all, tried about three times and still nothing, I though WTF! called Ken as I had no idea what happened. Drained the gearsaver oil and removed the cover, Ken had me check the spring on the kicker gear and the teeth on that gear the idler gear teeth, the balancer gear teeth, the drive gear teeth on the basket, the crank gear teeth all were good. He talked me through removing the clutch and basket as I found a piece of gear that fell out when I removed the cover but couldn't see any damage anywhere. Well low an behold the small gear on the basket split in two. Found out two things, the basket could of been damaged that I sent him as I did notice the shaft that the small gear is pressed onto had a 1/2 inch crack in it, also from me kicking the thing over with the spring not it the hole it logged in the gear and caused enough resistance that the crack in the shaft of the basket gave oit enough play that it cocked (yes i said cocked) and cracked that weak link. This is my kind of luck!! I think Ken was more upset than me. So he said he would send me a replacement free, (I think he felt responsible but unless he put that crack on the shaft himself which I think is impossible) I wasn't gonna let him do that, I also talked to AWK (yes he does now the answer to evrything!) and he was gonna help me out, but again, I'm weird like that and just don't like taking handouts. I found one to purchase on from Dualstroke very cool dude by the way, he hooked me up at a resonable price and I was happy as a fly in pig sh*t! Again I called Ken to see if there is anything special I needed to do and he stayed on the phone with me till I had it assembled. It was late so I waited till next day to fill it and fire it up, well now i'm about a week of fixing sh*t that I fuked up and still havent gotten this biotch running. Anyhow next day is here and I notice the clutch isn't working correctly, The lever is way to easy to pull even though I tried to use the adjuster all the way out. So another call to Ken and he thought maybe I lost the ball bearing when I removed the old broken basket but after checking on that and confirming that the ball and pushrod are in there, He talked me through aligning the pointer marks up, now remember I have never done this I knew what we were doing but not the why, so i'm a visualist and if i can't see it and understand it then it's gonna take me a bit to grasp it, so he walked me through and to tell you the truth I was getting on my own nerves as I didn't understand some of the terms used, but finally got it, this guy has more patients than anyone i've ever known. We ended up having to realing the pointer with the arrow on the case as the new basket wasn't as worn as my original. So finally go that done and adjusted up to where Ken and I was happy, Checked to make sure the pressure plate was disengaging when you pull the lever in, yip sure was, end of this phone call and another evening working on this. Day three or four I lost count at this point, after work, time to fire her up again and get the idle set approx. Kicked her over second kick kicker returning correctly now, still idleing weird, but last night I picked Ken's brain again about the idle issue, He informed me to play with the idle screw, duh! I took a guess and also looked at a couple threads to trey and figure out where that is located, found it have it idling better, (BTW- it helps if it's not unscrewed to the poiunt of falling out) played with the adjustment till i thought it was good idled for 4 minutes until head was warm to touch and i pulled the clutch and went to put it in gear and STALL, seemed as if the clutch wasn't working correctly as if it wasn't disengaging?! Ya I called Ken again, by now I figured he probably hates me an wishes he never touched my motor as I was going to be a pain in the ass customer. I explained what was happening, he gave me a few tip, had me try a few things, some more troubleshooting, and then after a few days of trying things, over 400 hours of talking to him,and alot of swearing and sleepless nights, even he had sleeping issues with this as it bothered him that all the test we did are saying it is working properly, we ripped that fuker apart again and did a feew more tests and BAM, Problem found, the large thick washer that goes behind the basket is too thick and isn't allowing the inner basket to turn independently when the clutch is disengaged, another words the clutch is engaged always. We took some measurements of the washer and compared it to ones that he had and for some reason mine was almost 1mm thicker. Don't know why, but this is where i'm at now. He is going to send me one of his as well as I asked Dualstroke if he had the one from this basket he could send me and I'll see if either of those work. I must say to any newbies you should get a service manual and if you need to do anything to your blasty read first as It may save you your buddy, and builder headaches and money!

This guy is even going to come to PA to help me tune it in right and ride with me it doesn't get any better than that!:o


If anyone is thinking of rebuilding your motor or having port/head work done please consider Ken Oconner Racing as your source he really is there 24/7 for you if you have any problems or questions.

i guess im getting de-throned as "saleman of the month" ?????
i have had the same experience with ken, minus all the issues,
but i've had my share of technical help from him, mainly jetting issues, and a few other little things here and there, but he has been there for me also, every time i needed advice, on my motor, my sons topend, and he now has my little buddies cr125 topend, nobody touches my stuff anymore, except ken!!!!!
and as slick has stated, craftsmanship and support that is unrivaled in this business !!!!!!
i guess im getting de-throned as "saleman of the month" ?????
i have had the same experience with ken, minus all the issues,
but i've had my share of technical help from him, mainly jetting issues, and a few other little things here and there, but he has been there for me also, every time i needed advice, on my motor, my sons topend, and he now has my little buddies cr125 topend, nobody touches my stuff anymore, except ken!!!!!
and as slick has stated, craftsmanship and support that is unrivaled in this business !!!!!!

No dethroning here, bro just thought it was necessary to let everyone know what kind of outstanding support I got. -bob
the "salesman of the month" comment was directed at ken, not my bro slick
he called me that once, since i've directed tons of business his way because of the awsome service he's provided me
Don't the other builder offer the same geat service???
Maybe, but can I call them at 11pm or say 6am and they stay on the phone with me for a hour or so and walk me through some troubleshooting,or talk to me while there driving with there family and do this for two weeks in a row- I don't know don't have that experience with them. I just know what Ken has done for me and thought I'd share my experience. Please don't try to turn this into a negative thread, no need for that. I have read many positives about other builders too. This is Just MY experience if ya don't like it that's fine, don't post bullshit!!
Oh I see that's why your building the +4 huh? LOL! Can't wait to meet ya in person! Oh ya-ya better practice if ya want to beat me!
Oh I see that's why your building the +4 huh? LOL! Can't wait to meet ya in person! Oh ya-ya better practice if ya want to beat me!

Better be careful Bob,I hear ken likes to take the bud light blaster on head on collisions when he loses.lol jk Good to hear all this great stuff about Ken.I hear nothing but good things about him.I:I