have you EVER seen the insidee of a 2 cycle? do you know how they work? if putting pressure into the the crankcase area of a 2 cycle engine doesn't also pressureize the cumbustion chamber than the god dman thing WILL NOT RUN.. lemme give youa crash course on how a 2 cycle engine works.. fresh air fuel mixture is inducted INTO the crankcase. then when the piston come downward is pressureizes the crankcase and leaves low pressure above the piston.. naturally thing under high pressure move to areas of low pressure.. you also have a pulling action from the exhaust that also helps pull that fuel charge from the lower end up via the transerfers.. (hense the name TRANSFERs!!) this then fills the are aboe the piston and the piston moves up compressed the mixture above the piston and filling the crankcase , the spark plug fires and you've got combustion... and a fresh fuel charge for the next combustion cycle.. sooo please tell me how exactly your test proves a f*cking thing? are you putting the piston at TDC and doing it and looking for ring seal? because that also WILL NOT WORK
we are talking about a detoantion problem here.. if you would have read the thread i told him to do a leakdown test in search of a leak... which would pull air, lean the mixture and in turn contribute to the detonation by ways of higher than normal cylinder temperatures this coupled with the little bit of timing advance that he has WILL CAUSE detoation..