soo i got chased by the cops going to the pit

i've ridden both kennedy and flotek, and seen both.....thats all im saying.....

heard good things about wildcard, was impressed with kennedys numbers. he has good torque an hp curves. a 3mm stroker setup he makes a ton of power....for the price, you wont be dissapointed. hes a well informed, pretty cool guy.

denny (flotek) is a nice guy
well i have gotten a price from wildcard so now i still have to ask kennedy. wildcard seems a bit expensive too but its cause i have to get rid of my spacer plate so a head modification is required... gonna send kennedy a pm now
rockstar thanks for the info bout those two and man do i want yor lt it looks nice man
no prob, been in this sport for a while....heard a few things, ran a few things, rode a few things, talked to a bunch of people.....

buy it up man....i want a trx instead i think.....
well i have gotten a price from wildcard so now i still have to ask kennedy. wildcard seems a bit expensive too but its cause i have to get rid of my spacer plate so a head modification is required... gonna send kennedy a pm now
dont let teh price sell you. you get what you pay for....dont cheap out on me!!!! pay the extra 50 bucks or so, and forget all the hassles...theres a reason guys like that charge what they do....
i dont have ne money and i cant get to indiana lol i already was iing it up lol, trxs have better geometry in the front end and make more power and all that stuff haha you prolly know already tho kenedy will say the same thing about the head and it is much more worth it i would think the spacer throws off the timing and they redsign the head dome so it makes even more power plus a port and polish for the correct the timing and its actually a really good deal from both, i have talked to all 3 b4 i got my firebreather
by the way you described your the prob... seems as if it was kind of a hiccupp? or backfire??? thats lean... probably main and the needle...with some patience and reading the tutorials you will get it..just be patient...also do some research on different builders..there is alotta of he said she said... do research ask around on different sites and talk to the builders before you make a desicion...good luck!!!
always good to research your builders first before sending. careful tho, choosing a builder and asking in an open forum is a hot topic.....sometimes has been known to start fights...lots of differing opinions...
always good to research your builders first before sending. careful tho, choosing a builder and asking in an open forum is a hot topic.....sometimes has been known to start fights...lots of differing opinions...

no doubt about that!!!

and yeah denny is a nice guy!!!
lol well i will do and thanks alot guys. its a little to cold to ride anywho so i rarely go out. only a lil i willl ride. but once these paintball guns are gone i will hopefully have enough to get it done. i realllllly want it done cause i wanna smoke my friends shee lol... or be hell of alot closer then he would expect ya know. hes got that oh i have a banshee tude lol
lol well i will do and thanks alot guys. its a little to cold to ride anywho so i rarely go out. only a lil i willl ride. but once these paintball guns are gone i will hopefully have enough to get it done. i realllllly want it done cause i wanna smoke my friends shee lol... or be hell of alot closer then he would expect ya know. hes got that oh i have a banshee tude lol

not a prob man... simple jetting rule...the colder the air the bigger the jets you need to richen the mixture...only in extremem temp differences... 20 deg. or so..but if you have stock jets and added a stroker ur prob. too lean.....

what does ur friends shee have as far as mods go? I:I