Some random questions for you pros...

ok that PJ1 filter cleaner and oiler doesn't need anything else? Sprays directly on? BTW what happens if you dont oil your uni filter? Engine death?

Spray it on wearing latex gloves (dish soap wont get the oil off your hands) and gently massage it in to the filter until all the foam is well coated. You don't need to soak it but it should be tacky to the touch so dirt sticks to it.

Once it gets dirty use the blue cleaner, let sit for 15 minutes, rinse with water and repeat if necessary. Sometimes I will finish with soap in the kitchen sink when my girlfriend isn't watching. Also be careful not to wring it out and tear it. Let sit overnight to dry and re-oil.

There may be better directions on the can I:I
also gas works very good but do not use it! it eats up the glue holding the filter togethor

Haha do not use gas to clean anything. There are other solvents out there that work just as well but are less combustible so they won't burn you and scar you for life. :o On the scale of dumb redneck garage tricks I think this probably more dangerous than using starting fluid to seat tires. Definitely don't use it to start fires either, that's what diesel is for :D
If you insist on using a cheap chain then fit new front and rear sprockets.

An expensive new chain on old sprockets is asking for it to be broken, but a cheap chain on old sprockets is an invitation to be broken.

One should never run old and new components together, it is courting disaster, sometimes pain as well.
just for the chuckle....
when i was running the red chains, i once had someone ask me if i had painted each individual link :o
just for the chuckle....
when i was running the red chains, i once had someone ask me if i had painted each individual link :o

And what was your reply? I'm sure it was a good one. I would have told them I used nail polish and painters tape!
You REALLY want that orange chain don't you? Well here is the way I look at it. You asked a question and you got a lot of answers. These answers came from very experienced people. You've seen pictures of what can happen. If youwantto take the risk off breaking your cases then feel free. I would suggest a KOR case saver if you do decide to get one of these chains. My opinion is buy a good chain and don't worry about carrying an extra one.
I would suggest a KOR case saver if you do decide to get one of these chains.

i have case savers on both my blasters, and have broken 2 red (1 o-ring and 1 non) on whitey
and 1 green chain on blacky
the case savers are the only reason i have no holes in my left side cases, but you can definately see where the chain whacked the hell out of the case saver.
now i'm double protected on both bikes.....
case savers and western powersports chains.
no more pretty colored chains for me I:I
who can see them anyway zipping thru the trails ?

Dizaaam Snap CIty! How long did it take before it snapped?

the o-ring made it about 4 rides.
the non o-ring made it about 400 ft. to the
trails :o......
first time i cracked the KOR power, the non o-ring chain threw in the white flag I:I