So I just got my blaster..

u really think a ported rad valve is better than a v force? on a side not i can wait to get my la sleeve 240 with that monstrous cr reed cage :o

lol I do just ask awk haha, im always talking about my RAD valve but i have never tried vforce so i cant really say if its better. and ported la sleeve.. soooo jealous lol :)
hehehe well oconnor promised me a rocket ship so he better deliver. all i told him is dont worry about the money just make it sick fast lol

awesome man, we are majorly thread jacking this new member lol sorry man!! when the awk ride comes around i hope to give one of the ken oconner machines a rip to see how it feels. I:I
there a few that are good. lrd,factory 7,dyno port,duncan racing paul turner exhaust. no offense to anyone but ive never seen good hp gains from fmf or pro circuit or DG. all just a name and cheap.

yes an f7 lrd and dynoport are better but an fmf is great for a motor thats not to modded and if your on a bugget like me idk about pro circut but dg is garbage its pretty much stock but chrome
They came with it. I've never had my quads ported? I don't know where I'd go to get it done.

im a big flotek fan but we have a few builders on this site that will all do a great job for ya. flotek, ken oconner, wildcard, chutzell if you are interested just give them a shout you will be very happy. I:I