So did the new layout get scrapped?


Nov 24, 2009
Tacoma , Wa
Just curious if the plans to add a section for Banshee's and change the layout is still in the works , or been scrapped or what? CBABER I REQUIRE YOUR INPUT I:I
In the works... to add a section to a forum takes about 3 minutes for a general section. XD

I'd say forget about it... it seems like nothing gets changed around here. Took what seems like years to get the craptor off the banner.
why would we want a banshee section on a blaster website? there is already banshee forum, why put them in the blasters domain, idk i dont really like that idea

I'd have to agree bansheeHQ is a great forum that would blow away any section put here. Although I do like to see some banshee builds and people do it here, yet first and foremost they usually own a blaster ....... lol

I will say that it would be cool to have a section tilted "blaster owners other builds" not just for banshee's but for whatever members are building (motorized of course) this would eliminate the need for members to go elsewhere
I'd have to agree bansheeHQ is a great forum that would blow away any section put here. Although I do like to see some banshee builds and people do it here, yet first and foremost they usually own a blaster ....... lol

I will say that it would be cool to have a section tilted "blaster owners other builds" not just for banshee's but for whatever members are building (motorized of course) this would eliminate the need for members to go elsewhere

i like your ideaI:I
I'd have to agree bansheeHQ is a great forum that would blow away any section put here. Although I do like to see some banshee builds and people do it here, yet first and foremost they usually own a blaster ....... lol

I will say that it would be cool to have a section tilted "blaster owners other builds" not just for banshee's but for whatever members are building (motorized of course) this would eliminate the need for members to go elsewhere

Yea I was going to say create an "Other builds/quads" section just to generalize them together whether they be 2 or 4 stroke or even cars.
I'd have to agree bansheeHQ is a great forum that would blow away any section put here. Although I do like to see some banshee builds and people do it here, yet first and foremost they usually own a blaster ....... lol

I will say that it would be cool to have a section tilted "blaster owners other builds" not just for banshee's but for whatever members are building (motorized of course) this would eliminate the need for members to go elsewhere

best idea yet!!!! keeps it all in one categorie and wouldn't clutter it up.great idea!!!!
Unless your retarded or something and cant read there are specific websites for specific machines.Yes you have the ones for all machines and like ares for the blaster.Ok blasterforum for example.Its a blaster dedicated site for blaster info and all.Yes there is talk and show of other quads and sometimes dirt bikes but it just manly for an opinion prefference.Why change all that now?