I'm not sure what Slickerthanyou is doing up there on Awk's mountain but dang he knows how to mess'em up. He sent me a cylinder to do a little work on.... I must say it's the worst beat on blasty I've ever seen that is still runable.... It looked like it had been run over by a transfer. The top three cooling fins were bent down into each other in two different spots, and one had a chunk broke out of it that looked like a dog had bitten some out.
I worked and worked and worked on it but I'm pleased with the results. I didn't take any clear before pictures but you can figure how bad it was before by the damage that's left. I'm thinking about buffing the welds and leaving them, they just look cool to me...
I worked and worked and worked on it but I'm pleased with the results. I didn't take any clear before pictures but you can figure how bad it was before by the damage that's left. I'm thinking about buffing the welds and leaving them, they just look cool to me...