i have a 2003 Suzuki DRZ125L 4 poke dirtbike that i just rebuilt the top end with new piston and rings on. the back tire is also like new on it. it starts 1st-3rd kick when cold. i am thinking about asking a guy to trade his blaster to it. the blaster has ac racing wide grab bar, ac racing front bumper, radiator/air scoops (i think they are called that), fmf powercore II silencer, blaster seat cover, dg nerfs (need nets), maier racing front fender. i don't know the year but i think it is 03+ because it has 03+ rear hydros and 03+ axle. from what i can tell it looks like it might have the headlight mount under the hood but not positive. the downside of the blasty is that he tried painting the shocks yellow and the paint didn't last, the rims and hubs are painted, and he said it is either flooding out or the crank bearings/seals went out. here are pics.
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