Should I trade my Blaster for Doug Gust's Factory LTR450?

well lrd took it upon himself to be a ass hole to a 16 year old kid and out him down and make him feel like sh*t. yea such a great guy. you guys gave me opinions on me being f*cking retarted for blowing it up and wanting to trade and all this other sh*t. there were maybe 4 or 5 people total that actually gave me a good opinion.
well lrd took it upon himself to be a ass hole to a 16 year old kid and out him down and make him feel like sh*t. yea such a great guy. you guys gave me opinions on me being f**cking retarted for blowing it up and wanting to trade and all this other sh*t. there were maybe 4 or 5 people total that actually gave me a good opinion.

dude, it's the internet..... Haters Gonna

you should never feel like sh*t because of what happens over the internet...

400ex, thats the quad you need if you ride trails. End of story...
Ok wow. You guys are major ass holes. Seriously lrd your lucky you live far from me or I would kill you right now. Your a major @$$. You have to realize that my dad is a major dick and he says he owns my fourwheeler when he bought it stock and I have put every aftermarket part on it. So I can't trade for anything he doesn't like.
Yea I rebuilt mine 4 times in a year because I myself don't know anything about quads so I relied on a shop to help me out. I'm sorry that I'm trying to learn. All I was wondering in all of those threads was an opinion. I thought this forum was suppose to help people not pit them down and make them feel like a pos. And anyone who has posted in this thread is one of those people who has put me down and made me feel like a pos. Seriously you guys are suppose to show some support to fellow quad riders but no you are assholes and give people sh*t.

I never talked trash on you but I thought this post was pretty funny.

Look, I know, relate to, and understand the frustration you are going through. Honestly, I'd stick with your blaster. I see the clowns that taunt you, as well as many other members, and I shake my head. I think it is a true shame the forum is going down hill, hence the reason I created my own website. I wish the best of luck for you, do what you think is best. If you like the looks of a 4stroke, go for it. No matter how nice it is, you are on a 2stroke-dominate forum, you are going to get biased answers. Stick with your gut feeling. There is tons of great information on this forum, search for it. Don't re-ask because you are bound to be picked on.

Don't let people get under your skin, bud.
It's just bs that this site is suppose to help people and barely anyone does. Kronix your one of the only cool people on here

umm..... I just looked at all your thread about getting a new quad, and your questions we answered in the first

and everyone backed up the answer from the first post...
It's just bs that this site is suppose to help people and barely anyone does. Kronix your one of the only cool people on here

Hey little bro dont let it get to you he's just joking with you. I try not to take stuff like this to seriously because you dont know if they are joking or not. And dont let this stop you from asking opinions because some times we like to help..
Ok wow. You guys are major ass holes. Seriously lrd your lucky you live far from me or I would kill you right now. Your a major @$$. You have to realize that my dad is a major dick and he says he owns my fourwheeler when he bought it stock and I have put every aftermarket part on it. So I can't trade for anything he doesn't like.
Yea I rebuilt mine 4 times in a year because I myself don't know anything about quads so I relied on a shop to help me out. I'm sorry that I'm trying to learn. All I was wondering in all of those threads was an opinion. I thought this forum was suppose to help people not pit them down and make them feel like a pos. And anyone who has posted in this thread is one of those people who has put me down and made me feel like a pos. Seriously you guys are suppose to show some support to fellow quad riders but no you are assholes and give people sh*t.

It's just bs that this site is suppose to help people and barely anyone does. Kronix your one of the only cool people on here

..........and how many answers did you get to your threads that you started? :-/ From the looks of it they are multiple pages.......hell they are some of the largest threads on the entire front page. On top of that, some people were semi-convinced that you were being sarcastic and just trolling after you started the 84th thread on what you should get. It went from 400ex, to 300ex, to raptor 350, to 250R, to raptor 660. I mean some are rather obvious "yes" go trades and are just common sense and you don't even need to start a thread about it. Other's are merit-worthy of a thread, but that's just that......A THREAD.......not 10. You are so damn indecisive of about everything and if you aren't making the decision and your dad is the one making the pick, then who cares...he is the one ultimately deciding. Go sell your Blaster save up a few hundred bucks and buy a solid used 400EX......end of story.
well lrd took it upon himself to be a ass hole to a 16 year old kid and out him down and make him feel like sh*t. yea such a great guy. you guys gave me opinions on me being f**cking retarted for blowing it up and wanting to trade and all this other sh*t. there were maybe 4 or 5 people total that actually gave me a good opinion.

lil dude... i personally commented on your 10 threads what you should do but you ignored me...and 99lrd got annoyed obviously that we all have been telling you for days what to do when you asked us all what you should do and you continued to ignore us and ask the same question over and over again in new threads killing forum space in the process..we are all humans and entitled to frustration B) sorry about the bash thread on behalf of the entire forum but you have to understand you pushed some buttons when we tried to support and help you and you ignored continually
FIY this is BLASTERFORUM not a WHAT SHOULD I DO FORUM or OPINIONS FORUM, we help people for the most part about how to fix there blasters, and you since your on blaster forum everbody here is generally say keep the blaster or a 2 stroke quad, now if you go to a forum thats for a wide range of 2 & 4 stroke quads of different makes, then youll get a good mix of opinions.
FIY this is BLASTERFORUM not a WHAT SHOULD I DO FORUM or OPINIONS FORUM, we help people for the most part about how to fix there blasters, and you since your on blaster forum everbody here is generally say keep the blaster or a 2 stroke quad, now if you go to a forum thats for a wide range of 2 & 4 stroke quads of different makes, then youll get a good mix of opinions.

There is a lot of bias on this forum, but I will say that he got a pretty fair idea of what to get from quite a few people. I mean hell so far he has asked to trade for:
250R: Yes....duh
Raptor 350: Slower but if you want a 4 stroke, I guess it's alright at slow speeds
Raptor 250: I know little about them...probably handles better than the 350 but slower
Raptor 660: Yes...duh
400ex: Yes
Scrambler 400: No in my opinion
300ex: Pretty much the same as raptor 250 but a little faster. I'd favor a 300ex over a Warrior/Raptor 350 but that's just me. I'd rather have the handling than the little bit in power.

He definitely needs a stock quad that is in decent shape and probably won't get any trade offers unless it's a 250, 350, or 300ex. Most people won't trade down, so I don't know what the retard with the Raptor 660 was doing. His dad and himself are not mechanically inclined and need this list:
1: Stock
2: Bulletproof powertrain
3: 4 stroke torque

As far as I'm concerned, that sums a 400ex with it's low tech, air cooled, and relatively low performing engine. It handles well, is reliable, and has torque.
i found this thread funny.
i dont think i bashed you i gave my opion about it all.
you said you wanted something that wont blow up like your blaster so,
i told you anything will blow up just as easy as your blaster if not maintained right.
it wasnt the blaster fault i would like to get that across.
you said 2 strokes are not reliable that is so not true in so many ways.
you wana learn il gladly teach you how to make your blaster not blow up.
dont let it get you down but the amount of threads you started was just uneasary.
just to give you the idea go back and read your threads and tell me that some of that just wasnt neasary
i realy hope that gives you the idea of why some people got irratated and jumped down your throat.......i will admit i may have been a little harsh at some point and i will apolige if that helps at all. you just insisted on a 4 stroke and that they were more reliable and 2strokes blow up the time and they realy dont. you just need to learn theres more to maintaince then oil in the gas and a new spark plug every now and again.
again dont let it keep ya up at night its the internet all is well in the real world B)