Shifting issues


New Member
Nov 4, 2009
Shifting just started getting hard to shift. Takes alot of force and seams rough....not smooth like it was. New clutch plates and oil didn't help. It shifts the same with or without the clutch. I know nothing about the trans, but I'm guessing something is worn out. Thanks
Pop the clutch cover off and take a look at the shift star on the end of the drum. Some of them are welded and some have a small bolt that holds them on. If it has a bolt, make sure it's tight. Another thing to check is the stopper lever and spring. This is the part that rides on the star. Make sure the roller is tight, not sloppy, and the spring isn't broken. Just another thought, did your shift shaft take a recent hit and get bent? This could make it bind in the left side case but it would have to be a pretty bad bend. These would be the easy fixes. Other problems could be a bad bearing on the shift drum, bent or worn shift forks, galled fork rods, broken transmission clips or a bad shift drum. All of these problem will require splitting the cases to repair.
Had Same Problem. Come To Find Out Shaft On Shift Drum/Star Has Sheared Off. Splitting Cases Now.Think I Have Bent Forks Now Trying To Get Home With It.
damn gibby that sucks, you finally get a good top end now this, hope your not running into a string of my luck, keep us informed as to what ya find, hopefully sumthin in the clutch cover side, like ken said, all easy fixes without splitting cases
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Well that was from 4 months ago. It was the shift shaft. Now it's popping out of 2nd. After replacing all tranny parts it's still doing it. Everything was replaced, only thing that wasn't was another shift shaft.
i had a jumping out of 3rd gear problem back on my '96,
it was the shift star, replaced that and rode for another 6 years no prob's
Ya mine will jump out of 3rd too just not as often as 2nd. Star and drum, gears, shift forks have all been replaced.