SA Wildcoast Riding Video!


Your Friendly South African Ambassador
Mar 26, 2008
East London, South Africa
Here is a 3 part "series" of a trip i did with my brother and some mates in August. We covered 155km (+-96miles) and over nighted along the way.

The area is the Transkei Wildcoast of the Eastern Cape, South Africa.

I took out the back tracks as i thought you guys would appreciate the mechanical symphony more :)

filmed with a Contour HD helmet cam. down sclaled quality to shorten upload times.

This is an edited verison of the good parts, althogh we did run out of memory...and a few sections were missed when the battery died and needed to be swapped.

Let me know what you think!...I:I

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Re: SA Wildcoast Riding Adventure Video!

Well im from east london, so ya! we have a house at Cebe, which you see in the vid. we over nighted there.
might bump in to you. let me know details so i know where you are! ya you can pretty much ride wherever you want for as long as you want...just stay off the beaches