restraining orders????


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
how do those work???? been think about getting one for my x. its been 2 months now an i moved an she still finds out where im at an wont leave me alone... shes goin like crazy an sh*t... im just like WTF???? X( X( sucks shes not a guy cause then i could hit her if she was. its bad to say but thats how i feel. just cause i have a lot of lady friends and dont do anything with but be friends she gets all psycho an stuff an like drives by my place to see who im with an everything.... :-/
Probably go to your local police department and let them know your situation then ask for a restraining order. You'll probably need a lawyer as well.

dude holy sh*t im gonna have nightmares now lol thats basiclly what shes like right now cause im hanging out with this other chick she hates an she thinks were haven sex an where not shes just a damn friend an she cant get that through her head. an shes got all these other girls saying well if there hanging out they gotta be haven sex cause u know just about every chick that hangs out with him some reason always want to hav esex with him... its f*cked up cause f*ck her an i just got out of a 6 year relationship an i never cheated on her so i dont knwo where there coming up with this crazy ass sh*t. :-/ f*ck take a look at me im an ugly f*ck for heck sakes :-/
LMAO..... That's effin great!!!! "Good luck trying to break up with them!"

Not trying to clown on you but uh.......

A friend of mine filed a restraining order on a female once.... He tried to.... The police litterally laughed at him. So did we.... Then he got his tires slashed, windows broken and a few guys jumped him!

They didn't laugh at him after that but we still did! :D

If you are concerned enough, the first step would be to talk to the police. That doesn't cost anything. They can tell you exactly what needs to be done and even point you in the right direction!

"Good luck trying to break up with her!" lol.....
call the cops and file areport that she is harrasing you, and threatining your life, emails and texts are good evidance, they wil tell here to leave you alone and if she dont she will be fined or jailed..
Yeah... I don't really think if she's threatening you then there is any reason not to call the popo. Call them up. Even if they can't do much about it... at least you tried. I think they could pull something off to help you.
haha dam you got it bad man, about a year ago I went threw the same sh*t the chick nearly shot me and kicked my car in at a club and gess what nothing happend to her even after I went to the cops, the big thing is that you need to get proof , get a tape recorder and borrow a vidio cam or even use your cell phone, good luck hope the crazy biotch's leave you alone
you need to file paper work for the order at the court house, any proof or police reports will help, They will give her a temp order for protection, then you go to court to have it made an order for protection; Remeber it works both ways and expect to spend a few bucks, but watch out cause when she learns you will never go out with her she may file a false report of abuse and it's your word against here and chances are the police will take her word and she will win, you go to jail. Never be alone with her and keep the local police informed so they know what's up if does pull any sh"t. Make the first move to protect yourself. Put $0 deductable for Comp insurance or you stuff Good luck

At least inform the local police