Rebuild of the blastersaurus

Nice blasters. Love the blue one

Thanks YZX. Starting swapping stuff over today. Got the suspention set up and it feels awesome. I just set the plastics on there to get an idea of what it will look like. I slid the hood way down so it won't look so long in the front. I really like how the blue and yellow came together.

Looking good Buddy. That color combo is different, but looks really good. The longer I stared at the pics, the more I liked it. When are you getting the motor back in it?
Looking good Buddy. That color combo is different, but looks really good. The longer I stared at the pics, the more I liked it. When are you getting the motor back in it?

I would like to have the motor in it before this weekend. Your right the color grows on you.
lookin good mike !
good move sliding the hood down to take away that pinnochio look :)