rebuild in progress


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
hey guys my stepdad and i finally decided to tear down the blaster and see what the situation is inside the motor. we knew i blew it because there is a definite loss of compression and right before we started tearing it down my stepdad tryed kicking it and it wouldn't even turn... so once we got inside it was not too hot lol. there was shrapnel in the SPARK PLUG!!! yes not kidding! and the bottom part of the piston has a huge chunk that broke off and some pieces fell into the crank area but we got most of them out. and also idk what you call it but it's that thing on the head where the piston would meet on top i think it's called the port head.... but yeah that's got shrapnel melted right on to it so... what do you guys think needs to be done????:-/
Split the cases, inspect, clean preferabally replace all bearings.

There may be a hole in the cases which will need welding.

You will need the cylinder bored and a new piston and rings..
Don't worry about what it will co$t, worry about why it BLEW !!

Piston:$100, bore and hone $60, gaskets $20-25, seals? $25-30, new crank if needed $140, Yamma bond or 3Bond case sealer (not silicon) $10. $20-25 for misc things, because guarenteed you will find things that need fixing/replaceing while working on it :o

These are rough estimates, might find good deals on some things, but suggest only get name brand or from better known suppliers. Cheap crank seals (for example) on Egay might cost hundreds in the end.