Quad help?


Dec 18, 2011
New Jersey
i have a friend of mine who is really into cars and motors and such. i think all my talk about my blasty brought him into the quad world lol. but anyways, hes looking into getting a half decent utility quad for cheap.

he says he wants it to be really torquey, manual with clutch perferably (semi is good too) and it to be less then 800 or so.

any ideas on bikes to look for on craigs?
older honda foremans/fourtrax! diehard machines and run forever!
this is an example...the go for a sh*t ton of money up here where you can PLOW with them...
Honda FourTrax 300 4X4

That is a great quad, but I have personally never seen one for under $ 1,200.00 that isn't totally destroyed or worn-out. Ranchers are the same way; I used to have a 2wd Rancher and liked it, but good luck finding one for $ 1,500.00 or less.

Your friend can probably find a good used Kawasaki Bayou 220 or an older Honda Recon in his price range. Except for weak brakes (more of a problem on the Kawasaki than the Honda), neither of these quads had any real flaws. Both the Honda and Kawasaki are nearly bulletproof.

I once floated a stock Bayou 220 down a creek behind the neighbors house, with almost the whole engine underwater, and it kept right on going! Love those little things. They just don't die.
Bayou 220's (as well as the Honda Recons and Ranchers) are semi-auto. Foot shift with auto clutch. Almost all utility quads are semi-auto, or fully automatic with CVT type transmissions. Even the 'Electric Shift' (ES) model Hondas have auto clutches. The electric shift mechanism just takes the place of your foot shift lever.