Project Black & Orange

Your telling that to the person working on it lmao. Me to should see it in a roller in a few days. Just gotta get a few lil parts lol. Lots of polishing and more i think it will look pretty good just its gonna suck to do all this work and it not go any faster lol just look good. What ever i got the 2nd blaster started today getting closer.

Btw sorry for posting so many pics etc just trying to get some posts seems like im talking to my self, but thanks to all who have posted!
well got alot of stuff painted and put the whole front end together should have the back end together in a few days and will have a roller.
heres some pics. done more than shown but still have alot more to do lol


1995 B our could be mistaken for conjoined twins you got the plastic mines got the motor and pipe and yours has the plastic and you have the front wheels and mine has the back (chuckle) looks like I just a little ahead though I'm waiting on my backorderd 03 black hood right now........................
motor? lol pipe?

isnt yours just piped and jetted? and reeds?

pipe? i wouldnt say toomey is much better in performance than lrd if any really at all. but thats from others word of mouth

also mines almost done lol im a lil ahead. and my second blaster is getting sold to fund the motor lol.

btw i like old school hoods unless it has raptor rears and the mair style front fenders.
Dont feel bad if you feel a little crazy all the best people in the world are "Alice in Wonderland" saw that movie last week wasen't bad. My secret weapon for getting polished metal even shinier is California Custom It comes in a $13 12oz. clear bottle/the blend is purple and works pretty darn good when compared to everytthing else I've used. Best part is you dont need any buffs at all it's that strong. look em up 95B
Well been tired and busy since school started and havent done much. Its also hard to walk out there when you see a garage like this after you have cleaned a lil. lol



My cousin and riding buddy came down and he was going on a few day vacation to ride every atv place in missouri and i missed it. btw there is 7 i think he said. so I did get it to be a almost roller i just rattle caned the spings and taped them up. I bought the truck awhile back needed a motor will i put the 4 wheeler in front of the truck so now im in a time crunch so i can get them both done in time to do a trip with both blasters and my lil sisters dirtbike.


Well i have kinda hit a dead spot but i gotta get them done. Need to get them ready i dont have a heater in my garage and cant hardly turn a wrench when your hands cant move much.

Well did a lil more work. Just painted the shocks and stuck them on there. I would of done more but i cant work in a dirty garage any more so i cleaned it.
Also i am putting the motor together and in tomorrow so should have a lil bit done. will go quicker than i think i hope. if i actually get on it it should only take a few hours but im not just assembling i polished at the beginning of the build but now everything needs it again or finished lol.

Here's a couple crappy photos so maybe ill get some interests. BTW they were taking on a sh*tty phone so they look like weird oranges.

The seat cover is just sitting there in one pic and not the other lol


also the yellow wheels are just on there because i haven't switched the tires over yet.
thanks heres where i am as of tonight i gotta get this one running so i can ride it and pull my truck in the garage to get it running before winter.

Btw i just had that seat on there becuase the otherone is apart to about have the seat cover put on. Sorry the pics were in the bad lighing looks alot shiniier lol

