PowerSports Tech class


Aug 22, 2012
Dickinson, ND
So with this school year im in the advanced powersports class. We mainly work on projects all semester, no book work.

Currently i am in need of a project but until then i have some small ones that my teacher would like done.

i will be working on a 1972 honda ct90 bike. Teacher said needs a carb, so he just ordered one and hopefully thats a fix.

next in class is a 1993 sea-doo 650 xp or something like that. i think the story is the impeller broke and someone took apart the engine. left everything on the trailer outside and now we have to deal with lots of rust.

Most of the projects that our teacher has are donated from someone. Our goal is to fix them cheap, make them run good and then sell them. He has a bank account just for the powersports class and with the money we make he will buy new items for the shop. the funds are also for going to state and national contests for the Skills USA group. Last year i took second in state :confused: so i didnt get to go to nationals. but this year i hope to make it
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i forgot to add the main reason i made this thread lol

Is there a good way to remove rust from a cylinder? We are going to hone it to clean the bore out, but around the base where it would go into the case (same as a blaster) the whole part is rusted. Is there a good solvent to remove rust? or soak in something and then steel wool / brush it off?
Okay well I was moved back to the honda ct90. Replaced the carb and it ran okay for about 10 min. then we lost spark.
Ordered new points and a condenser, got the wrong ones. New pair should be here any day now.

The jet-ski was scrapped. He figured more money would go into the engine than its worth.

My next project is helping (I say teaching) to replace the pistons on a 2011 polaris 800 something or other sled. I just know it sounds wicked fast, and my teacher wouldnt let me do a "before" and "after" test ride. Said the grass at school would be too torn up for that lol. Roughly 2000 miles, so just new pistons and rings. The only mod i know of is it has a nice can on it. Makes her sound mean

My teacher wants me to work on one project until it gets done but while waiting for parts I move around. I also end up helping a lot of other people on their projects. Today i started helping on a 72/73 sled. ran for a minute and quit. Well I figured out they kinked gas lines
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Took the head off the sled today, never actually looked in it, but we know its fine.
Tomorrow i will try to snap a few pics of the progress

Just finished (3:30am) working on my friends dirt bike. He has a race on sunday and he leaves tomorrow afternoon. Unfortunately we were not able to finish what needed to be done. We continued to run into things that made us redo different things over and over. Background info: bike had 140 hours on the top end, 240 on the stock bottom. his crank locked up. we completely assembled the engine today, starting at lunch time when we got the last bearing in the mail. of course it had to be the first bearing in for us to work haha. Bike itself is at about 60% built. He stripped a few bolts out and i told him there is nothing we can do at 3am to fix it. Chances are he will be riding his dads bike for the race.
I finally remembered to take some pictures or the sled. Of course it's disassembled at this point. Ran the hone through the cylinders to deflate them. New pistons are on and waiting for the cylinder.

Anyone have tips on how to get the cylinder on?

I also rebuilt my friends ktm 250 with him over the last week. Unfortunately he did the tear down and did not inspect everything. He missed his race because his timing chain tensioner is shot

Sled engine is at 100% now. we threw the hood on as well.
started up in about 5 seconds. probably the time it took to get gas pressure.

Tomorrow I will be pulling the hood off, topping off the coolant and then making it 100% done.

And since we fixed it, we have to test it out ya know.
We will have a contest, see which of us can do the largest wheelie in the school's grass :)

Joking, but we will probably tear up a little grass. Maybe do some heat cycles, I'm not sure. My teacher will decide, it's his.