power band


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
Never owend a blaster till now, do these things have a power band like the old yamaha dirt bikes? Or are thay just smooth from idle to wot?

My 97 is running a dg pipe and silencer, and i know diffrent pipes can smooth
the affect of the power range.

Just thought I would ask.
Is sopost to hit hard, on these things or is it mild,
had alot of bikes kaws and hondas pretty smooth in the mid range,
but the yamahas would lift the front tire in a heart beat,
just trying to know if my blasters down on power or its the pipe.
very mild when stock.. personally i think its way under geared as well.. put it like this a stock blaster puts out roughly 18hp stock. a blaster with a mild port job a good pipe and carb would put out 50% more power if not more..
really in stock form they are fun little bikes, and tehy can still lift the front wheels in a heartbeat. but like 305 said, add a pipe, porting and bigger carb....with the right setup you can make 30hp. hell just adding a pipe makes a huge difference....its lighter, and flows better.
I rode mine for 5 months straight with stock pipes.. Switched to FMF fatty and Procircuit set up. Ummm Hell ya it made a huge difference! And sounds mean too.. IM not saying thats the best set up for pipes. But theres alot of great options out there that hop up the powerband.
Is sopost to hit hard, on these things or is it mild,
had alot of bikes kaws and hondas pretty smooth in the mid range,
but the yamahas would lift the front tire in a heart beat,
just trying to know if my blasters down on power or its the pipe.
Yea the blaster doesnt really hit like the dirtbikes as much because most of them have a powervalve that really wakes it up.
also water cooled vs liquid cooled
Like I said I got a dg pipe and silensere on it now, not sure what model tho,
anyone else running a dg set up.
A power band is the part of the rpm range were the engine makes most power. 2strokes are hard hitters and most bikes rip your arms off when your on the pipe, blasters don't have a very violent hit because of many things for example, the stock pipe, the stock port lay out, and the carb all contribute to a mild power delivery. The good news is these all can be fixed with a little money.
After talking to the previus owner my quad is all stock besides the Dg pipe and silencer.
Its pulling once you hit the throttle, But It just seems It's a little flat on the top end,
could I benifit from a larger jet, or would a fresh set of reeds be a better place to start?
i would 86 that dg pipe...they are about as good as stock......get a power pros pipe and some port work and u will feel the pull then...........wanna go fast gotta spend the cash lol
I got a full parts bike with the one I bought, looking at the pipes the stock one has a fatter expansion chamber, the DG Is a littel longer and flater through out the expansion.
i would say get read of the dg and get a toomey b1 or the like, and a set of reads will help throttle response and get like a 30mm carb for a mild set up with a port and polish from some one... it will liven up yur motor a bit