Post Your Desktop


Sep 4, 2009
Well, this is more of a geeky thread but I saw it on a different forum and it was interesting to see how other people's computers look. So, heres what you do.

(For Windows)
1. Go to your desktop
2. Hit Print Screen on your keyboard
3. Go to Paint and hit CTRL+V (Paste)
4. Save that and upload it somewhere and post it!

I'm not sure what to do for Mac...


Windows 7 Ultimate I:I
No... I didn't figure any else would have done this lol. Sorry if I did post a duplicate thread.
Ah very nice, rockin the windows 7 ulti eh, same here.


i love the fact that you can do everything with the start bar. Id rather have my sh*t there than on the desktop.
how you guys like the windows 7? i got vista 64bit and its horrible, the only reason i have it is bc at the time it was the only thing you could fit 8 gb of ram into and it would read them all, along with 2- core 2 extremes and 2 8800 gtx OC geforces, and 2 raptor Hds

i gotta tell you tho, i do love the system test you can run and it tell you your score........those 5.9 out of 5.9 are amazing
I love windows 7. By far the best Windows out yet. As 89 said, you can do everything with the task bar if you want. It's so sleek.

Hey 89, if you like the bar down there... look up Rocketdock. It's a cool program that you may be interested in...
yeah that programs pretty cool, but windows 7 does that for you. I dont see the need when the new windows 7 start bar is bassically a dock.