port and polish

Stupid questions are ones never asked.

Porting is enlarging and or lowering or raising the port size to allow better breathing and port opening timing.

Both will help the motor produce more power.

Polishing is what is says, smoothing exhaust passageways so that gas flow restriction is almost elimenated.
Yup, one does smooth the inlet surfaces some but not to a perfect polish as fuel tends to bead on highly polished surfaces.

Porting is enlarging and shaping to change the opening/closing time as the piston passes.
and from what im reading on here that would make a significant power increase but also have to upgrade a few parts
Porting can add a large amount of power.

Exhaust pipes and inlet breathing will to add power.

Clyinder head mods too can greatly increase power.
so if i were to port and polish my head i have a dg pipe and boysen reeds would i have to upgrade anything
DG pipes have a poor reputation and may not give much gain from porting.

Porting usually requires jet changes to compensate for better breathing.

The best bang for your buck would be a redesigned head.
A well designed "Agressive Desert" port job and re-chambered head will easily double your power output.

Stock is 17 horse power.

After the porting, re-chambered head,and good pipe, you will be in the 32-34 horse power territory! VERY FUN in a 320 pound machine! That DG pipe isn't as bad as everybody says it is. Most of what you hear is a bunch of hear/say from people that don't know anything about pipes,or hear it from somebody else,and is just being a parrot and repeating what they "heard".
There are lots of other pipes to choose from. I run a "DMC Alien",andit works phenominally!
A well designed "Agressive Desert" port job and re-chambered head will easily double your power output.

Stock is 17 horse power.

After the porting, re-chambered head,and good pipe, you will be in the 32-34 horse power territory! VERY FUN in a 320 pound machine! That DG pipe isn't as bad as everybody says it is. Most of what you hear is a bunch of hear/say from people that don't know anything about pipes,or hear it from somebody else,and is just being a parrot and repeating what they "heard".
There are lots of other pipes to choose from. I run a "DMC Alien",andit works phenominally!

well i have personally expirenced the difference between a dg pipe and a bills pipe on the same motor and it is a night and day difference. DG pipes are weak and would not support a high rev port job at all. a larger carb is also in order to really reap the benefits of the port work and head mod. It is all depending on just how crazy you want to go
so do you think it would even be worth it i dont have the money for a new pipe right now will i ruin my engine by running a dg pipe and a stock carb with a port and re chamber job
No no, the DG pipe isn't going to do any damage running it like that. It just doesn't have as much top end power as some other pipes out there. It won't hurt a thing to run that DG pipe with a ported engine at all. I have a blaster with a ported engine, rechambered head, with a DG pipe kit on it. It runs well, it just isn't a "screamer" pipe kit.
X2 ^^^^^^ the stock carb can make lots of power as long as you don't go wild and crazy. I wouldn't recommend trying to run a big bore stroker motor off the stock carburetor because it simply cannot flow enough air to match the top end capacity of the engine but as long as your mods are relatively mild, you will be just fine with the stock carburetor.
so i can just take the head off the blaster where the exhaust port is and bring it to ken oconnor and ill be all good
You mean the cylinder? The head and cylinder are two different parts and each have some work that can be done to them to improve them dramatically but as always, more work is more cost.