Poor Neighbors...

yea i live on a dirt road and my neighbors called the cops on me when i had my cr85 but i had it back in the garage before they came i saw them sittin at the stop sign for like 10 min.then when i got the blasty i use to rip on the dirt road and i forgot to turn my gas on ans it shut off in the middle of the dirt road and i could get it started for like a few min. but before i got it to start i pushed it into my yard and as soon as i got it to start in the yard no more then like 30 seconds later a cop pulls up to my house and tell me i cant be riding it on the road and he say basically you cant ride in city limits.but i didnt get in trouble but it was the same cop that came when i wrecked my car lol
Im tired of gettin the cops called on me lol my neighbors always do on the way to my trails and im very cautious nd ride slow through side roads...theyy still call neways ahah
all my neibors wave when i go by. its really cool cause there like really old so im suprized i dont get the cops called on me
yea i wave to the neighbors just so their like oh hes nice cause when i had my lil 50 i got the cops called on me a couple times an i was like 10...