Polaris sportsman 500 help.


New Member
Mar 25, 2009
Holly, MI
my G/Fs step dad is working on a sportsman 500 for a friend of his, i don't know all of the details just that i was not running right. he has been tinkering with it for a few days now (jets, valve,etc) with no luck, today when i was leaving he showed me how when it was running it would blow gas out of the towards the air filter and eventually start leaking out of the over flow. i assumed that his floats were just sticking but the more i thought about it the more i thought that it was weird that fuel and air was blowing out of the carb, shouldn't there be a vacuum sucking in? is this normal stuff, does anyone have any experience with these engines? thanks for the help fellas.
You said he messed with the jets and vavle, did he put the carb off and completely tear it down? It sounds like you may have trash in the float seat or a damaged seat.
that's what i thought to so he did that clear tube test and there was a little to much fuel in the tube so he adjusted it and made sure the seat was movie right and it was still doing it. he was messing with it for a friend of a friend type of deal so he is just going to send it back to the guy and have him take it in or something, I'll try to keep up on it and if he finds out what the problem is I'll let you know cat.
Thanks. It's funny, I am a feild service mechanic for Caterpillar. I basicly specilize in smaller machines(26 ton or smaller). My buddy is on the big side and his four wheeler has been down for two months. He is putting a trans back in a D10 today(which is as big as 3/4 ton truck) and he says he doesn't like working on small stuff! How Ironic is that?
haha yeah i got a friend that is an air plane mechanic in the air force but when it comes to fixing his quad or truck he sends them to his dad.
Did you pressure test the needle and seat? Should hold about 6lbs. Worked on one about a year ago that was filling the air box with fuel and that was the problem.
Also ck to make sure that carb boot is not ripped, that will cause them to do that. Usually crack on the bottom side of the boot.