my gfs brother just got a predator 500 ... wow power but way to big i would rather have a blaster than that big clunker and its 4 stoke i didnt feel any powerband the throttle was just a lil jumpy ... but could pop a wheely in 4th not bad
I know what your saying. I love that the Blaster is smaller and lighter because its a lot more fun to get wild on it. I don't like feeling that I'm ridding on top of a tank. Lol.
yeah i am keeping it i put it on craigslist and people just offer way to low and it pisses me off ... and id smoke the predator in the woods i brought it through my trails and that thing is way to big id smoke it i just need to get a chain on it
my gfs brother just got a predator 500 ... wow power but way to big i would rather have a blaster than that big clunker and its 4 stoke i didnt feel any powerband the throttle was just a lil jumpy ... but could pop a wheely in 4th not bad