Plug chop looks lean

Jul 13, 2020
Hey guys, I recently got a Yamaha blaster with an fmf pipe. It didn’t have a carb when I got it so I got an oem carb and started jetting it. I first put a 270 in it with a fmf fatty and airbox lid on snorkel removed 32:1 mix. And did a plug chop. It looked extremely lean so I did it again but this time with a 290 and it looked about the same maybe a little darker but on the last one a part of the ring was maybe 2mm thick and barely went all the way around the insulator or whatever it’s called. Also it started sort of in the middle and didn’t go down to the bottom like pics I’ve seen. I’m riding to a nice straight, pulling the plug starting and instantly going WOT through all of the gears and holding it pinned for as long as I can maybe 5-7 seconds Ik that’s not that long but I can’t get much better (there aren’t many straights near me) I’m thinking I have an air leak but have no other signs of one beside this. Or the PO might’ve done some engine work to it? It does have a lot more compression than my 125 mx bikes. If someone could help me figure out how to post pictures that would probably help a lot. Thank you all
You have to resize the pics. Cell phone pics are to big. Just down load a free app.
You may need a bigger main?
Alright, which apps? I was messing around with photo bucket and added some pics but it wouldnt let me get the image link. Also it’s mostly stock as far as I know unless other engine mods were done. Beside the fmf pipe. But fmf recommends a 260 and even a 290 is lean. I just feel like something is wrong. The float height is set at 20mm and the stock 32.5 pilot.