Plastic restore PB Blaster


Mar 4, 2008
im not sure if this has been posted yet, but i accidentally got some pb on my fender and it sat there for a bit before i wiped it off, it made the faded plastic look like new but it was a lil sticky so i started buffing it then put meguiars plastic and vinyl protectant on there and it looks great, i did this to the top of my bumper on my dodge ram and it looks as black as when it was new.

p.s. make sure you buff the s**t out of it so its not sticky, they use the armorall or whatever
my friend who thinks hes smart said it prolly hamoginizes the plastic, which he said is kind of like melting it to make it like new, but my bumper on my truck looks great now and im gonna touch up the quad in a week or so
ive always used a light coat of PB Blaster on my quads when then go in the garage. i wash them after every ride and then lightly dampen a rag with the PB and wipe all the plastics down. it gives them a nice shine while hidin gany scratches. it also helps protect against scratching the next time i take them out bu reducing the amount of sand/mud build up on my plastics. it cant scratch up what it cant stick to.