pics and clips of tuesdays ride

yeh we did a couple little drag races down the road, it lets u feel the true power of the bike, then got bitched out for 4 hrs by the wife lol
yeh we did a couple little drag races down the road, it lets u feel the true power of the bike, then got bitched out for 4 hrs by the wife lol
lol. im glad i live where i do.. u can hammer on it anywhere and not get yelled at
hell.. i rode the road to the track once (a mile or 2 down the road)
heres a couple more of sunday

my rider had a prob holding the camera still, sorry!


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i smell that soem one copied a lil bit of yellow and blue lol. nice pics and vids looks like a nice place to ride made me want to go on my friend's private trail for tree dodging
its supposed to be that 3 stage mirage paint, that changes color in the sun, but that sh*t did not work, when i first got it done it was perfect but once the dust gets on it, it looks like sh*t, ihate it, so now back to trying to find a godamn color to paint them
its supposed to be that 3 stage mirage paint, that changes color in the sun, but that sh*t did not work, when i first got it done it was perfect but once the dust gets on it, it looks like sh*t, ihate it, so now back to trying to find a godamn color to paint them
what color is your frame??