pics after wrecking the kart


TT/Flat Track Racer
Nov 30, 2008
nope no shifter or rolex just dirt track karting on clay super tacky and fast its an 01 specter gangster im running clone its a ohv motor like a animal only you get them from harbor freight for 150 bucks!!

lol i done a trade with a buddy to get this body they are 150 new im not spending that much when this happens

and nope i didnt get to hit the hag back she didnt show up lol
racing is over for the season a few indoor races but now im getting ready for quad racing iv got a kid who can drive the wheels off anything i told him hes more then welcome to take my kart to the boogieman or coke syrup nationals but im ready to get back to quad racing has anyone here ever raced the tulsa shoot out?

and thanks for the replys about being ok it was a hard hit but im glad it was no one else but me the pain sucks!!