picked up nother 2 stroke! (pics)


Mar 26, 2007
well not a blaster but a john deere 440 2 stroke snowmobile engine. Just for 10 bucks it came complete minus part of the wiring harness.... has good compression about 108 or more each cylinder rings look to be in good shape. i actually got a john deere gas tank as well. it ran good before it was taken out of the sled because the owner wanted a bigger motor





here comes the question...... I kno of a artic cat cheetah snowmobile sittin in one of our barns if that motor blows up i could just throw this one in and mod it to fit... or a go kart? wuld have to find a frame..... thought about a pulling/wheelie tractor but seems like it won't last then. any other ideas that would work for this big bad boy?
why not put it in a blaster?

because the pulley belt covers will probly not clear the frame and routin a driveline would be a pain because the exhaust manifold is on the side where the crank had a drive line would be opposite to the chain/sproket side.

Besides i already got a blaster that hauls ass fast enough. right now i'm looking into a go cart frame but no luck..... but had a thought about using the wheel horse garden tractor that i got sittin in the barn as well jsut don't know how the transaxle would hold up to the abuse...... maybe i could modiify it to try and make it like a go kart syle?
welll after removing the carb 4 cleaning i noticed the intake manifold was dirty so decided to remove it for cleaning... after looking at the piston skirts with a flashlight surprise theres a crack on the piston skirt.... intake side.... bore is good, engine ran good but piston will most likely need replacing but they are pretty cheap for stock style or a .10 over piston but will need two if i want them to both run even..... backburner for now maybe....

the previous owner was surprised even more than i was it ran really good without even a miss or slap.... just wouldn't want to throw the skirt or rod
right now nothing will happen...one piston skirt has a crack in it on the intake side and crank is very dirty so i'm cleaning the motor out for now before i replace pistons
well heres the discovered crack... if i push on it oil will actually squeeze outta the crack. case is very dirty as well looks like either air filter wasen't cleaned or there wasen't one.... bore is not to bad might be withen limits who knos....

