Ok number one... That's a big if. You can use the same type of argument for any phone on the market... Flip phone oh if it snaps off you are screwed. If the slider breaks you are screwed. Buttons.. If they become unresponsive you are screwed. You catch my drift. You won't have a case with that argument until tons of cases start popping up of broken screens, and I don't mean a couple hundred or a thousand either. This feels like the most sturdy phone I've ever had( never had a nextel or any "indestructible" phone).
Number 2: sure there are a lot of "cheesy" apps but 99% of them are free. They don't really serve a purpose just pointless things for developers to screw around with and for consumers to fill their phones with. On the other hand there are sone seriously awesome apps that serve a purpose. From google earth, which I use to find paths in my area to go quadding on, to satellite radio (free), to ballistics calculators for rifle shooting, to apps for finding by gps exaclty where your friends are. If you can think of it, chances are it's on the app store.
Number 3: yeah you need a data plan, but verizon is the same way with their smart phones, blackberry htc's etc require the data plan in order to be activated. This isn't the phones fault it's the service provider. Data cost providers money and that cost in turn gets pushed on us, obviously they are there to make a profit not provide us with a free service. $30 may be pushing it who knows... But I paid the same on verizon before seeing the light and switching to the iPhone. No way in he'll it's the worst cell phone. I had a chocolate from verizon a while ago and it was the worst phone I ever had. Went through atleast 5 of them. I used to be an iHater too but I saw the light when I bought an iPod touch then transitioned to the iPhone. There is none better in my opinion. Basically I don't even need to look at the keyboard either because the word correction is so good on this phone and I can get close enough with out looking that it corrects for me most of the time. Maybe one day you will see the light.
On a side note I love the way your blaster looksI:I