phones send approximately 40 texts a minute for a month straight, for every minute you are awake ( approximating 7 hours of sleep a night)...? 8-|

Check your math. I'll do 17,500 texts because that is right in between what I said. 17,500 converts to 565 a day (for a 31 day month), that breaks down to 47 a minute if I'm awake for 12 hours (weekends, that is normal, I also text during school and have a good 8 hours after school on week days). That 40 texts a minute was an hour.
Check your math. I'll do 17,500 texts because that is right in between what I said. 17,500 converts to 565 a day (for a 31 day month), that breaks down to 47 a minute if I'm awake for 12 hours (weekends, that is normal, I also text during school and have a good 8 hours after school on week days). That 40 texts a minute was an hour.

That's why I said approximately. You get 12 hours of sleep must be niceI:I
That's why I said approximately. You get 12 hours of sleep must be niceI:I

You said 40 a minute :p

40 a minute would be... 2400 an hour which is 57,600 a 12 hour day, which is 1,785,600... That's a lot... I do have a life. Lol. XD
before i left sprint.. my last 2 bills were right around 9000 texts a month.... not hard to rack em up when you send a text to more than one person

Exactly. I text my girlfriend pretty much all day and then I have a few off-branching conversations.
You said 40 a minute :p

40 a minute would be... 2400 an hour which is 57,600 a 12 hour day, which is 1,785,600... That's a lot... I do have a life. Lol. XD

Yeah got ya. Butttt the iPhone is so far overrated haha. You can't beat the web browser, in fact I'm posting from my phone right now. Only problem is that ATT has spotty 3g coverage, but where I live is phine. But that's a problem with ATT not the iPhone itself. IT's also the easiest phone I've typed on, certainly better than my last verizon phone. Only two sh*tty parts are that there isn't a removable battery and the second doesn't really matter to me but the camera doesn't have a flash. Then again I've only had one phone with a flash and that was forever ago. Why is it overrated in your opinion not someone elses?
Edit: and as far as the worst cell phone in the world? Come on seriously...?
Yeah got ya. Butttt the iPhone is so far overrated haha. You can't beat the web browser, in fact I'm posting from my phone right now. Only problem is that ATT has spotty 3g coverage, but where I live is phine. But that's a problem with ATT not the iPhone itself. IT's also the easiest phone I've typed on, certainly better than my last verizon phone. Only two sh*tty parts are that there isn't a removable battery and the second doesn't really matter to me but the camera doesn't have a flash. Then again I've only had one phone with a flash and that was forever ago. Why is it overrated in your opinion not someone elses?

Well... theres a few main reasons. I will admit to you, the app store is pretty cool, I do wish Verizon supplied something like that for phones that had user-made apps, but I'm sure it will come with time. The reasons I find them overrated: 1. All touchscreen. Don't get me wrong, I love touch screens, but if that screen breaks, you're screwed. 2. Most apps are cheesy. Like I said earlier... I do like the concept of the app store. But, you can only get a certain amount of free apps. I know there are demos... but I think user-created apps should just be free. I know it's the creators choice... but I'm still not a fan of that. 3. You need a data plan. I know you can probably go without one... but then it's completely pointless to have a fancy phone.

As far as the keyboard being easy to use... I find my phone very easy. On the touch screen, it is very accurate. And on the internal qwerty keyboard, it is so easy that I don't even need to look at it.

EDIT: Was looking for the worst phone ever... I found this one just searching around and I don't think it's the worse... but it's rather funny looking.

ha 40 txt a min :L
ive samsung tocco ultra :)
nice phone 8mp camera touch screen and buttons so handy seen as my fingers are too big for the keypad :L
yeah when the screen breaks u may as well buy new one
my friend had one and screen smashed sent it away and after he got it back fixed another €60 and he wud of got brand new one and alot quicker took ages to fix it!
yeah when the screen breaks u may as well buy new one
my friend had one and screen smashed sent it away and after he got it back fixed another €60 and he wud of got brand new one and alot quicker took ages to fix it!

Yeah, my Voyager touch screen shattered but I was lucky enough to have the internal part of my phone. My neighbor had a full touch phone... I forget the name... it isn't the dare... its a new one, and shattered the screen playing hockey, and he was out of a phone until he could get it fixed.
Ok number one... That's a big if. You can use the same type of argument for any phone on the market... Flip phone oh if it snaps off you are screwed. If the slider breaks you are screwed. Buttons.. If they become unresponsive you are screwed. You catch my drift. You won't have a case with that argument until tons of cases start popping up of broken screens, and I don't mean a couple hundred or a thousand either. This feels like the most sturdy phone I've ever had( never had a nextel or any "indestructible" phone).
Number 2: sure there are a lot of "cheesy" apps but 99% of them are free. They don't really serve a purpose just pointless things for developers to screw around with and for consumers to fill their phones with. On the other hand there are sone seriously awesome apps that serve a purpose. From google earth, which I use to find paths in my area to go quadding on, to satellite radio (free), to ballistics calculators for rifle shooting, to apps for finding by gps exaclty where your friends are. If you can think of it, chances are it's on the app store.
Number 3: yeah you need a data plan, but verizon is the same way with their smart phones, blackberry htc's etc require the data plan in order to be activated. This isn't the phones fault it's the service provider. Data cost providers money and that cost in turn gets pushed on us, obviously they are there to make a profit not provide us with a free service. $30 may be pushing it who knows... But I paid the same on verizon before seeing the light and switching to the iPhone. No way in he'll it's the worst cell phone. I had a chocolate from verizon a while ago and it was the worst phone I ever had. Went through atleast 5 of them. I used to be an iHater too but I saw the light when I bought an iPod touch then transitioned to the iPhone. There is none better in my opinion. Basically I don't even need to look at the keyboard either because the word correction is so good on this phone and I can get close enough with out looking that it corrects for me most of the time. Maybe one day you will see the light.
On a side note I love the way your blaster looksI:I
Ok number one... That's a big if. You can use the same type of argument for any phone on the market... Flip phone oh if it snaps off you are screwed. If the slider breaks you are screwed. Buttons.. If they become unresponsive you are screwed. You catch my drift. You won't have a case with that argument until tons of cases start popping up of broken screens, and I don't mean a couple hundred or a thousand either. This feels like the most sturdy phone I've ever had( never had a nextel or any "indestructible" phone).
Number 2: sure there are a lot of "cheesy" apps but 99% of them are free. They don't really serve a purpose just pointless things for developers to screw around with and for consumers to fill their phones with. On the other hand there are sone seriously awesome apps that serve a purpose. From google earth, which I use to find paths in my area to go quadding on, to satellite radio (free), to ballistics calculators for rifle shooting, to apps for finding by gps exaclty where your friends are. If you can think of it, chances are it's on the app store.
Number 3: yeah you need a data plan, but verizon is the same way with their smart phones, blackberry htc's etc require the data plan in order to be activated. This isn't the phones fault it's the service provider. Data cost providers money and that cost in turn gets pushed on us, obviously they are there to make a profit not provide us with a free service. $30 may be pushing it who knows... But I paid the same on verizon before seeing the light and switching to the iPhone. No way in he'll it's the worst cell phone. I had a chocolate from verizon a while ago and it was the worst phone I ever had. Went through atleast 5 of them. I used to be an iHater too but I saw the light when I bought an iPod touch then transitioned to the iPhone. There is none better in my opinion. Basically I don't even need to look at the keyboard either because the word correction is so good on this phone and I can get close enough with out looking that it corrects for me most of the time. Maybe one day you will see the light.
On a side note I love the way your blaster looksI:I

I disagree with that article... it isn't the worst phone ever, but it isn't the best. I'm not really a hater of them... I just think they are overrated.

Thanks :]
Check out the blackberry storm...Thats the one I have now and it has great internet and good apps and The key board for the texting isn't that bad...but then again i have little fingers so idk...been a pretty good phone for me. its like verizons version of the iphone
iPhones have lovers and haters.

I just happen to be a iPhone lover. I thought they were overrated when they first came out. I wasnt about to pay 600.00 for a dam cell phone but when the 3g came out for 200 bucks I had to try it when my trusted razor phone got wet and broke. So I figured I try the iPhone and I was hooked. I like AT&T also in my area it is fine. and its a dam iPod to boot.

Like the commercials say verizon got maps the iPhone got APPS.
85,000 and counting LOL