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yeah, trust me i have before too, probably not for what he took you for, but i think he will be returning your money before anything happens or send you what you wanted, you tried to get a hold of him recently?

Since you asked, He actually called me wednesday morning after he read my email where I gave him 48 hours to send parts or return my money. He was beligerent on the phone and dumb founded that I was pissed about sending him $364 and not receiving any parts in over 3 weeks. I asked if he sent the parts on Friday as he promised when he called me and allegedely said he just got out of the hospital where he was treated for selmonella poisoning---he said no.

I reiterated what was in my email that he had 48 hours to send the parts or return my money. He gave me some BS that Mass State law says he's not required to send parts or return money for 45 days.

At that point I stated that I would file charges after 48 hours and I just wanted my $ back now and didn't want his parts. He replied that he didn't care about charges and hung up.

It's been 48 hours today at 5pm and he didn't send proof of returning my money so tomorrow I will be contacting authorities and get charges filed.

Stay tuned!
If you pay through Paypal, can't you get your $$ back? Hopefully your cash has not gone up in smoke. That is why I am leery about buying stuff frem here. You really have to watch the Newbies who just come here and start selling stuff.

Good luck guys, hope you get your $$ back.
If you pay through Paypal, can't you get your $$ back? Hopefully your cash has not gone up in smoke. That is why I am leery about buying stuff frem here. You really have to watch the Newbies who just come here and start selling stuff.

Good luck guys, hope you get your $$ back.

yeah thats why i don't take money orders, i only deal with paypal, its safer for both parties.
thats pretty effed up. so whats the deal Mototech? you can log in but you cant respond to your thread or your 1000 pm's? why jerk people around like that? :(
I noticed MOTOTECH visited the site today. And still no explaination.. AMAZING

How about that. You'd figure if he really wasn't a skammer he post up something in his defense.

Although what could he invent next. Let's see, he already used:
- Been in the hospital
- Had Salmenella poisoning
- been too busy to send parts (but not too busy to go to bank and cash checks)
and he was busy being a parent and scamming people out of money on the internet and somewhere between all that he had a job (we assume)

log in and post something about how your not trying to screw people out of theyre money
thats what i say. he knows its screwed up and hes made no effort to get in touch with anyone beyond to bs them more. nobody has any parts yet so put up the info. almost 6000 people on this site that can call him I:I=))=))
If you notice he has been a member since nov. 08 so he has been scopeing out the prices of stuff so when he would do this he wouldnt sound to good to be true. bet he dont know a thing about blasters
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