Parking Break Delete


New Member
Aug 11, 2009
Draper, Utah
I tried to search for it but couldnt find anything.

Does anyone know how to delete the parking break on a 2000 Blasty?

Thanks for the help.
its easy as pie man, there is just a $15 piece or aluminum that mounts where the brake does, then there is one bolt that holds the handlebar portion. Then carefully pull tge cable out. I got a universal shorty clutch lever cause the stock one looks fugly when you take the e-brake off. it cost me $30 to do and 20 minutes of time and a beer. go for it bud, it makes it much more apealing
As far as I'm aware of u would need the park brake eliminator cable, Basically a shorter cable that stop at the foot pedal. it's like 18 inches long I think, well long enough to run the length of the swinger any ways. and no more cable running up the right side of the bike.
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