

Nov 4, 2009
nanty glo pa
in the middle of painting plastics prep works a b**ch being cleaning them for like 2 hours finaly got them clean cant wait to paint them and see how they turn out wish me luck
yea il be posting pics once they dry and its not removing paint the rear fender was covered in oil like an inch thick but some pb blaster and a sponage pretty much took care of it but there will prob be pics tonight
havent got to paintmy platics yet got to cod out to paint to make things worse i got my master link but i dont wana go riding cuz then i gota clea them all over agaig hoping to get them done tomorow i so pics tomorow night
yea used some 15 hunder grit sand paper im painting them black and red useing krylon fusion herad good stuff il let all you kno what i think about it
1500 is kind of fine. i would think like a 800 or 1000 even. but idk theyre your plastics. good luck
seems like 1500 works pretty good they got pretty sfuffed up but once again is to cold out to paint this weather sucks one day its realy nice out this its like a damn deep freeze lol hopefully its nice tomorow
if you havent painted them yet you'll need to clean them again before you paint. and to be safe go over it again with some scotch brite. 1500 is a lil to fine for paint prep but for buffing its great.
yea im gana presure wash them b4 i paint them but i might get some lower grit sand paper then if u guys think its to fine i didnt want to go to low cuz the 1500 scatched them up a good bit as it is but i guess like 1000 couldnt hurt