In the future I want to repaint my blaster and I'm trying to figure out what to paint it. I was thinking white plastics with a black frame and silver a arms and swingarm. Tell me what you guys think about that and some other ideas would be helpful.
keep the blue plastics and clean them up really good. Then do either black or white frame and silver swinger and a-arms. Or do all the frame swinger and a-arms black. Should look pretty sick with the blue plastics and handguards.
Another suggestion, try and get some nerfbars down the road that are black or paint them black. I always loved black nerfs on a blaster.
I haven't nerfs just not in that pic. They are silver. Im not sure what I'm goin to go with yet but you guys have a good point with me keeping it blue lol. I'm definitely cleaning it up if I'm not changing the color. The absolute next thing I'm doing to my blaster is I'm getting Itp as rims, either machines or black, not sure yet. But I love those rims. It seems like no one has them on a blaster though, I wish someone did so I could see what it looked like on a blue blaster.
If possible, don't paint plastics. Paint on plastic looks good until it chips. Paint the frame and everything, that'll look good and change the looks a lot.
BLACK!!!! ALL BLACK!!! lol i have black plastics and hope to paint the frame black but dont have the ambition to.. lol but yeah get black plastics black rims black frame BLACK EVERYTHING!!!!