Opinion wanted.

It might look better if the tank center was black & the sides were red,
kinda breaks up the flow, defines the seat more, & if the shades of red were
off a little you wouldn't notice as much.
i sold my hood, i still have the seat though, somewhere in my pile! if you dont end up with that one, let me know, ill work with ya on it. thats a good price though, i sold mine and it cost 20 just to ship.
This is real close to what I'm talking about.
i think that looks great! but if it was me i would change the blue hubs into red so it matches everything else, and maybe even get a red gas cap and red chain to add a little flair to it lol. JMO... but it looks good man!
Instead of glass you could use carbon fiber and vacume mold.They also make a 3mm layerd 3d real carbon fiber di-noc. they use on street bikes clutch covers and gas tanks along with car hoods mirrors and such.It molds to the surface with a heat gun.I was going to do this to my jet ski.Here is a link if interested this is the real di-noc not the imitationhttp://www.ebay.com/itm/320859384963?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648http://www.carbonfibervinyl.com/carbon_fiber_vinyl_videos.html
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