Oil injection


New Member
May 26, 2013
I often seen Blaaster and Awk08 recommend 32:1 premix. But, what if you want to stick with the factory oil injection? What does it mix it at?
Is that adequate for long life and longevity with mild mods such as a pipe and aftermarket filter?

I have several kids who ride the bikes and would just like to keep things simple (and for me simple means leaving the oil injection).
thats more than adequate, and injects more oil than 90% of us do @ 32:1
I run the injector and love the simplicity of it. My son has a dirt bike and ATV that are also injected. The only problem you will have with it is if they quad is flipped over. If it flips it can cause it to get air in the line and it needs to be bled.