Oil injection removal question

Franke Dechent

New Member
Mar 23, 2014
Hey i know theres a thread about removing the injection without a block off kit. i jjust had one question and couldnt find the answer so far. After pluging the whole with the carb (used the tube and a nail ), i was wondering if the two wholes going into the pump should be open or closed? At this point no lines are going into the pump but im not sure if i should leave those wholes open or plug them the same as thr carb? ANy help would be appreciated
i cut the two line coming out of pump and shoved them into each other till my kit came,they will fit into each other.temporarily.
That's a good idea didn't think of that. Unfortunately I cut the tubes pretty short not sure if they'll reach each other anymore. So I just put nails in both sides there air tight that should be good right ?
If the pump is disabled it is not going to suck or blow anything, but that gear should be taken off the pump to stop it running dry.
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Yea I know the pump is runnin rn intill I get my block of kit I was just wondering about the whole holes coming out the pump
If the pump is not disabled it will run without lubrication if the lines have been cut.

Running anything without any lubrication is not good for it.

There is no need to plug the holes to stop dirt or water getting in, the pump will crap itself if it runs dry.

You have to either remove or disable the pump, blocking the lines is not the solution!
Hey i know theres a thread about removing the injection without a block off kit. i jjust had one question and couldnt find the answer so far. After pluging the whole with the carb (used the tube and a nail ), i was wondering if the two wholes going into the pump should be open or closed? At this point no lines are going into the pump but im not sure if i should leave those wholes open or plug them the same as thr carb? ANy help would be appreciated
Which tube did you plug on the carb? The one coming off the nipple on the right side(clutch side) of the carb?
Yea I understand that like I previously stated this is temp for now I just wasn't sure if I should clog the open lines on the pump or leave them open
Temporary will become permanent if you run the engine without removing or disabling the oil pump.

If you cut and plug an oil delivery line, no lubrication will flow.

No lubrication causes engine components to fail, sometimes in a spectacular and costly manner.

Remove or disable the pump and you will not need to plug any lines and possibly save on repair bills.