oil for blaster


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
can i put semi-syntethic 2 stroke into me blasty??r does it have to be fully synthetic??and how do i know how much oil to put in the gearbox??i know where the bolt to bleed the gearbox is but in my rm theres a bolt you open and if oil comes out then you leave it until it stop and then thats enuf oil in the gearbox...any help appreciated thanks..
I don't know If you can use semi synthetic. I know you can't mix the 2 if that's what your thinking. It has to be one or the other. If the oil is factory made please post what it is I'm not aware of a factory made semi synthetic. gear box oil amount goes by cc's. on the gearbox it should state how many cc's like 650 cc's etc. I believe the blaster is .70 of a quart of transmission oil for the gearbox. There is no bolt for oil level on a blaster. A blaster has a clear round window you can see the oil level through below the kickstarter. Alot of times the window gets cloudy with age and it's hard to see through so you will have to drain the oil and put in .70 of a quart so you know whats in there. I use fully synthetic. make sure when ever you change oils you drain all old mixed gas out of tank so the new gas is all with the new type of oil.
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