Official Michigan Ride Spring 2013


Dec 12, 2011
Northern Michigan
Hey guys,
Lets get something setup for this coming spring! Take a vote on a place to ride anywhere in the state ( if most of you are willing to travel) or we can just try to find a place in the middle. I would like to setup a ride for the spring/early summer. Do some camping/kayaking-floatin/riding and just hanging out. Make up some Michigan Blaster Forum shirts and just have a good time and meet some fellow blaster guys.
Start listing some places and ideas! I:I
You should get ahold of me!! Ive been talking to a lot of people about silver lake maybe in july, and also got some people interested in going out to awk's ride sense its not to far from us south michiganders.
Im not in michigan, but come april id be down to ride anywhere except for teh far north of michigan. Id be down for silverlake! 5 hour drive from me.
Sounds good. Yeah Awk was telling me to get with you becuase youll probably be heading to the Awk ride and I might be able to hitch a ride with you once I trailer down to IN.
Sounds good. Yeah Awk was telling me to get with you becuase youll probably be heading to the Awk ride and I might be able to hitch a ride with you once I trailer down to IN.

yeah, ive got space in my truck for one more, but i would be a tight fit. How many bikes will the trailer fit? I can grab a trailer from my dad if necessary.
Evart has some nice state land if you got dirt bike there is is a trial head thats awesome kind of tight for a quad. Plus they dont want quads on there lol but what the dnr dont know wont hurt them right lol. Plus there is the sugar bowl its a few miles back but its a sand bowl with wooded trails at the top that loop around and bring ya back to the bowl. Its big enough for trucks to go down in too. Plus if your in Osceola county just slap on a orv sticker and you can drive down the road just not major freeway or highway
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Least wise the "ROAD" thing in Oscoda county can't drive on State Hwy (M-33), not supposed ;) to go over 20, and biggest PIA is you can't ride on Federal Forest roads which is most roads by Bull Gap X(
Should have a meet at gizzy2014 and my house :P

Central MN, we have 40 acres that we own, but if we tell our neighbors we are having a four wheeler party, we could use their land, and they would probably join in. There's a sandpit our nicer neighbors own, and if we ask, that could be of use. In all of our land, there's probably 200+ acres of woods riding. Also, two miles of trail to reach the river, late summer (if its dry as last summer) the water is low enough to cross onto a few islands and race on the sand there. Areas to water skip if water drops also. I:II:II:I

Would be awesome to do, probably not going to happen though :(

Also, if anyone lives in MN, I WANT TO KNOW!!
Has Anyone Ever Been Out To The Black Lake Area In Cheboygan Mi. They Have Tons Of Trails, a Bowl For Riding In With Hills All Over it, And Camping With showers And a Resturant/Bar Right On Site.