Now an official member!!


New Member
Apr 25, 2009
Poconos, PA
I am now a proud owner of an 06 Blaster!!I:I Man I'm so glad I ended up going with the blaster. This thing is amazing! Faster than I imagined, lightweight, great on the trails, which really surprised me, and just all around fun to ride! Bought it from a local dealer this past Saturday, paid a little more than I wanted to though, but that was expected buying from them. Quad appears to be in great shape, few dents and dings underneath, a few minor scratches/stress marks on the plastics, but other than that, mint! Here's a quick pics I managed to grab between riding:






I plan to do start small with mods for the time being until I can finish paying off some bills, then will move onto some costly mods. I wanna keep it pretty simple though, not looking to go crazy, I definitly wanna go with a Toomey exhaust setup at some point, but that'll have to wait a bit.
looks much did u pay??

haha, I knew that question was gonna come up. They were asking $2,699, I talked to the salesman a little bit, a young kid around my age, and we were able to get the price down to $2,400. After tax, registration, etc, it was $2,600 out the door. Like I said, way more than I wanted to spend, but on the other hand, I walked outta there with a great quad, and a safe state of mind knowing that I have a machine that I can enjoy and know is fully serviced and isn't gonna give me any problems right off the bat. I know some people are gonna are gonna think I'm crazy for paying that when I coulda bought the same thing for $1000 or more less, but, you just dont get that reassurance you know? Especially when you're new to these guads and 2 strokes in general. That's just my thoughts on the matter though.
thats high but not crazy high sense its a 06...but if it was like and 88(first year blaster was made) for 2600 u got ripped but an 06 for 2600 not to treibbly high
I:Iyea price sounds good. I bought an 06 blaster for 1 .800$ out of the door with title an fully serviced sale's tax for 2.400$ i dont wan't any thing else for know beside's to make it the best it can be.I want a bigbore kit for it. that will make it wake up forsure. my blaster top's out fast 1 down 5 up .top's out too fast need's more top end highter gering. i got boysen reeds fmf pc2 jetted to 260 main paliot sock .kn air filter razor back tier's .front stock . tb I:I