Noob needs help!!!

I know the pre mixer wiring is disconnected properly... I think the newly formed vacuum lines are still there tho lol. Hope this don't cost me a lot...promised her itd be fixed for this weekend
Okay so heres a status update. I removed the carb, cleaned all the ports and so forth, cleaned up the reed cage, sealed everything back up and kicked it a few times and nothing. I hit it with one short blast of starting fluid, kicked it twice and it fired up, adjusted the air mixture screw to 1 1/2 turns and is running fine after warming up...a little rough during warm up though and it sometimes cuts off but its also about 15 degrees outside so im not holding that against it at the moment. Only problem left so far is that when i turn the bike off, if i dont promptly turn the petcock off, it starts dumping fuel out of the dump tube from the bowl. What can i do to fix this? this may be a stupid question, however, ive never had this issue before. Thanks again for all of you guys' help!
there should be a drain screw on the bottom of the bowl, check to make sure it is screwed all the way in. if it is, your float is messed up
okay so i pulled it back apart and checked the floats, they seemed to be working properly, and the screw was all the way in...there was some mud in there somehow and also what looked to be about 1/2 piece of what used to be a gasket...not missing from the bowl so your guess is as good as mine as to where it came from. Anyways, i hit all of that with carb cleaner and reassembled it, cut the fuel on for a few minutes, shook the bike a bit and nothing came out so hopefully this is the end of my troubles...for now anyways, and looks like she'll get to ride this weekend, even though theyre calling for 6-8"of snow, which should be very interesting with her beginner riding skills. Again, thanks for all of the input! it was greatly appreciated!