ok, start from beginning... get the carb back to basics, screw the idle screw in all the way till it stops. turn it COUNTER clockwise till its 1 1/2 turns out. your TORS (brick) on top of the carb is how your setting your idle? if that's the case, you need to take the inspection cover off the unit and move the idle screw till its JUST BARELY touching the arm that moves the slide. then turn it CLOCKWISE 1 full turn. Also, Put in a fresh spark plug(check you gap 028-030)there, now youre at the beginning and not fighting what you cant see. start the bike, if its really idling low, adjust the idle up to about 1100 rpm. to the ear it sounds like its running a little bit higher than normal, same goes for the reverse, if its idling really high, turn the tors idle screw COUNTER CLOCKWISE till you reach the above rpm or where it sounds good, a little high but good. when i do my air screw adjustment from 1 1/2 turn, turn it CLOCKWISE 1/8, just to see if it starts to die. if it does, i go and turn it BACK to where it was(1 1/2) and start tuning it from there by turning it COUNTER CLOCKWISE 1/8 turn increments allowing 5-10 seconds between turns to give the motor time to adjust. the highest idle is sometimes REALLY hard to discern(hear), i usually go till it sounds smooth. thats pretty much how i do it. with your mods and exhaust and elevation,(im at 320asl) i ran a fmf fatty with a 270 main, 32.5 pilot and needle on the 2nd clip down(lean) and it ran cats azz!
if it were me, id take the carb off the bike, clean it 100% set everything (idle screw on tors, main jet,needle, air screw, float level) while it was off and start from there.this way your not fighting stuff while its on the bike and your able to check your float height, that could be another culprit. making sure your airfilter boot is clean and your intake boot also. what else you got to lose? its not idling so try to get back to a starting point and try again.
if it were me, id take the carb off the bike, clean it 100% set everything (idle screw on tors, main jet,needle, air screw, float level) while it was off and start from there.this way your not fighting stuff while its on the bike and your able to check your float height, that could be another culprit. making sure your airfilter boot is clean and your intake boot also. what else you got to lose? its not idling so try to get back to a starting point and try again.
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