No Counter Balance Shaft. Bad Idea

OConnor Racing

Mines Bigger
Forum Supporter
Dec 1, 2009
I deal with a ton of people that ride Blasters. I got an engine rebuild for a stock Blaster and the engine was missing the gear for the counter balance shaft. When we got into the crankshaft rebuild, this is what we found. The bearing surfa...ce of the crankshaft was beat down from the engine being out of balance. Here's a lesson for all of you drag racers that pull the counter balance shaft out and think it works. You're beating your crank and bearings to death. The counter balance shaft can be lightened where you still get great acceleration and don't beat the crankshaft bearings and crankshaft to death. Call if you need help.
blaster crank no counter balance.jpg
I've seen that mentoined on other drag builds, the owner or builder removes the CB, of course we know better.
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you mean the power is elsewhere, not the unmeasureable amount from removing the balancer ?
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factory racer's/focus on low end power with a tall first gear..."dirt bikes."..just one of them ryan villipoto.
research that :)

what is tractable power ?????:D:D:eek::eek::eek:
If an engine is out of balance valuable power is lost, proven buy the large amount of dollars speed merchants fork out on balancing!