Nitro, huh?

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I was talking to my best friends uncle today - an older gentleman who has raced everything with wheels and an engine. We were talking about my blaster at one point and he suggested that i mix in a cup of model airplane fuel (a nitromethane mix) with 2 gallons of my premix. Apparently he did this on some of his crotch rockets in the '80's and '90s and "It made all the difference in the world."

Anybody ever heard of anyone else doing this? Im tempted, just dont want to blow up my BRAND NEW engine that hasnt even been run yet...

Never heard of doing that, but it must be about the same as running a higher octane fuel. Maybe ill try it if i can find any, see if i cant blow my blaster up. I doubt it would, but it needs a rebuild anyway. lol
no, not necessarily a higher octane. But maybe more combustable. He said he has also put moth balls in his tank before because they have ether in them. I think we all know how well that stuff burns, haha So putting the nitro in the mix would do the same thing. Im just worried about harmful side effects.
I think nitro would be cool to run, but look at about $25 a gallon. Thats what I pay for 20%nitro for my 4wd truck. It also has methane, and castor oil mixed in too.
Try it, and see. I think thats the real way to find out. I doubt it would explode or anything.