New tires?????


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
so ive been looking around an cant figure out what tires to buy for my shee an blaster. i dont know what kind to get. where i ride its muddy an soft grounds with a lil hard pack dirt. so i dont really know what to get. my friend is like just get some bear claws. im like dude that look really stupid on a racer an they wont last long if they spin alot on the gravel. :-/

so what do u guys recommend i should get. i dont want a bubble tire i like the look of mx tires but i know how far my kenda claws got me. not far at all.

the tires thats on me shee right now are dirt devils. havent got to ride withe them yet. ill find out here in a coule weeks tho. i dont like them so far cause there 24.5 tires. there huge.i really like to stay around 20-22 inch tires if u know what i mean

so idk??? im lost on what to get??? :-/ :-/ :-/
thats almost what my dirt devils look like. ya think those would do me good as a 24.5 tire or is that to big. should i try an find them in a 20-22 tire maybe
i had the ITP holeshot GNCC tires worked great on every thing its a 6ply heavy but where i ride mostly its rock so helped but i ride grass, mud, sand, rocks, gravel, pavement.. worked great and everything, even on the pavment it didnt wear fast
nice thats my main factor is the wearing time on the set of tires. i ride a lil of everything an crossing over logs and stuff. like i said u guys will be getting vids as soon as i get my gopro
pure sport bandits!!!! FTMFW!!!!!!!!!! i there a all terrain tire BUT they have a flat tread like a mx tire!!




razrs suck in my opion ^^^ when i had my blaster they clogged to fast and they didnt like to clean out when you goin kinda slow.. the GNCC cleaned fast because they were made for mud im not talking deep mud just like its been raining for a day and its slippery and the year that i had them before i sold the blaster they only went down maybe an 1/8th inch and i ride alot almost everyday.. the original holeshot aint bad either.. or the new Kenda XC Kutter they look good
pure sport bandits!!!! FTMFW!!!!!!!!!! i there a all terrain tire BUT they have a flat tread like a mx tire!!





i like the looks of them tires. im just wounderin how fast they clean out. cause some of the places we gotta get through is like 2 foot deep of mud an water. my blaster made it through with my 18" kenda klaws but it was very slow going. i almost needed like a paddle tire. lol
quick!! i ran them on the rear of my 250x and hitting muddy spots and what not on the trails you dont even notice you hit the crap.. just dont wanna be behind someone with them on or your gonna be wearin the mud that came flyin off of them...
quick!! i ran them on the rear of my 250x and hitting muddy spots and what not on the trails you dont even notice you hit the crap.. just dont wanna be behind someone with them on or your gonna be wearin the mud that came flyin off of them...

thats what im talking about..... my buddy on his yfz makes me go first so he can say that blasters a pos. so i wanna just drench him full of cow sh*t an muddy water. lol I:I