after changing the battery
changed gas
changed plug
removed filter famous for this problem and put in an inline filter
tested pressure of fuel between regulator and injector
checked/cleaned all electrical connections
disassembled and cleaned out injector, pump and regulator
I came to the carb swap idea a while ago. IF I have to buy anything expensive that is the route I'm going, I've also looked into the kick start kit quite a while ago as well
I ended up getting it revving clean but it was super hard to start, I had to crank it for like 10 minutes and throttle it in intervals, when I just crank it, it spins the motor but nothing happens besides killing the battery, I used a portable jump starter to jump it... been charging my portable all day now LOL charged my batt too after playing with it more, I found a spliced wire up front. I ran into problem after problem you can look on the ltr forum and see all my trials and tribulations LOL. I thought about throwing a match at it when the pump would stay on, regulator let fuel flow and injector would just keep shooting out fuel...
injector.mp4 video by hawaiianbasshead - Photobucket
after I got it started it revved fine...
VIDEO0044.mp4 video by hawaiianbasshead - Photobucket
I gotta try and clear the codes and figure out the starting issue and it's back on it's feet I think... it stalls out too, so if I can get it to start and not stall LOL think it's electrical at this point. not sure exactly what but resetting/clearing the codes out of the ecu would be a good start, checking them 1st is also a major step... couldn't get the codes to flash tho so after I clean the connection on some splice I found tomorrow I plan to have at it again.
splice is hard to see, but it's a crimp connector connecting one blue wire to a pair of blue wires. not sure what it is but I know it seemed like after playing with it, it started easy once so I'll try again tomorrow.